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- "(...) Cantabile pour violoncelle avec accompagnement de Piano" - btv1b100744769
- "(...) Collection des quatuors d'Haydn (Van Hob. III 46, XX 1 B, III 78, 72, 73, 76, 48, 77, 31, 45, 69, 32, 33, ?, 71, 75), arrangés pour cinq instruments de cuivre (...) par Tollot" - btv1b525158330
- "*" for "×"
- "---demo
- " watching you!"
- "1000 Gestalten" – art action at 2017 G20 Hamburg summit
- "1941-1945-ci illər Böyük Vətən müharibəsində qələbənin 20 illiyi" yubiley medalı
- "1941-1945-ci illər Böyük Vətən müharibəsində qələbənin 30 illiyi" yubiley medalı
- "1941-1945-ci illər Böyük Vətən müharibəsində qələbənin 40 illiyi" yubiley medalı
- "1974 State Visit to the USSR" photo kit at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library
- "1975 State Visit to China" photo kit at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library
- "1976 Campaign" photo kit at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library
- "1976 Lebanon Evacuation" photo kit at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library
- "1er Solo de hautbois. Composé pour le concours de l'année 1840 et 1846 1er manuscrit. Par G. Vogt" - btv1b10075672m
- "2002"; childlife one hundred years from now (1902)
- "4" standing for "for"
- "52 to 71" mural
- "A" Riding Monument, Adaminaby
- "A" station of the Omega Navigation System
- "A. Pepanos" swimming pool
- "A King Offers to Make Amends to a Bereaved Mother", Folio from a Khamsa (Quintet) of Amir Khusrau Dihlavi
- "A Muslim Pilgrim Learns a Lesson in Piety from a Brahman", Folio from a Khamsa (Quintet) of Amir Khusrau Dihlavi
- "A Prisoner at Andersonville" essay for English V by Sarah (Sallie) M. Field, Abbot Academy, class of 1904
- "A Youth Fallen From a Tree", Folio from the Shah Jahan Album (MET
- "A decent story", by James Gillray
- "A man may be down but he's never out!"
- "A woman from Karabakh" monument in Yerevan
- "Abbey" Church, North Berwick
- "Abraham Entertaining the Angels" from the Story of Abraham (MET 41.100.57e)
- "Abstrakte Komposition" by Johannes Wanke
- "Abstrakter Brunnen" von Wander Bertoni, Vienna
- "Abu Bakr" medallion in Hagia Sophia
- "Ac" standing for actinium
- "Aerovíkend 2010" airshow (4 September 2010) at the Museum of Aviation (Košice)
- "Afghanistan, 2008", opening of the photo exhibition/«Афганистан, год 2008-й», открытие фотовыставки
- "After work" by Kai Nielsen
- "Ag" standing for silver
- "Agriculture Générale", de l'"Encyclopédie Agricole"
- "Agriculture Générale" (Le Sol et les labours), de l'"Encyclopédie Agricole"
- "Airscapes" of American and Foreign Areas (Birmingham, Alabama)
- "Airscapes" of American and Foreign Areas (Mobile, Alabama)
- "Airscapes" of American and Foreign Areas (Montgomery, Alabama)
- "Akbar With Lion and Calf", Folio from the Shah Jahan Album (MET
- "Aktaion" pastry shop
- "Al" standing for aluminium
- "Aleksandr Nevsky brotherhood" retirement home
- "Alexander Visits the Sage Plato in his Mountain Cave", Folio from a Khamsa (Quintet) of Amir Khusrau Dihlavi
- "Alexandru and Aristia Aman" County Library, Craiova
- "Algarve - Colorido rodapé numa terra de lendas" by Thomaz de Mello and Manuel Lapa
- "Ali" medallion in Hagia Sophia
- "Allah" medallion in Hagia Sophia
- "Allusion to Sura 27:16", Folio from a Mantiq al-tair (Language of the Birds)
- "Alte Wache" (Tierpark Berlin)
- "Alter Kehlhof", Märstetten
- "Am" standing for americium
- "Am Viadukt", Basel
- "Analyse ordinaire" de la lettre adressée à Napoléon III par Mrs Caroline Grantley Berkely, de Londres, qui l'a rencontré dans cette ville, chez Lady Blessington, avant son accession au trône, et lui... - btv1b53023750k
- "Andrà tutto bene" rainbows, COVID-19
- "André Gérard. Drame en 5 Actes. Musique de M. Ancessy.... Première Représentation le 30 Avril 1857. Odéon." Musique de scène pour la, pièce de Victor Séjour - btv1b525044130
- "Anfiteatro" in the garden of Palazzo Borromeo (Isola Bella)
- "Ang Beterano ng Bayang Bulakan" Bulacan Veterans Post, Veterans Federation of the Philippines - Camino Real, San Jose, Bulakan, Bulacan
- "Anton Chekhov" National Theater of Chișinău
- "Antonio de Escaño" School of Specialties
- "Apotheose des heiligen Johannes von Nepomuk", Unteres Belvedere
- "Après un rêve. Mélodie. Musique de Gabriel Fauré", pour 1 voix et piano, sur un texte anonyme italien trad. par Romain Bussine - btv1b10860393x
- "Ar" standing for argon
- "Arcadia" art gallery (Pașcani)
- "Archéologie aérienne"
- "Around the world" Kazan ferris wheel
- "Artigas" en Plaza Artigas (Salto)
- "As" standing for arsenic
- "As One Having Authority" (1892, Bunner)
- "As we see 'em," a volume of cartoons and caricatures of Los Angeles citizens
- "As you were" (1919)
- "At" standing for astatine
- "Atlas o La Cabeza del Mago"
- "Au" standing for gold
- "Augiéras, "La grande chasse en Afrique", dans les "Cahiers de l'Afrique française", supplément à "l'Afrique française" de janvier 1935 ; "Renseignements coloniaux", supplément à "l'Afrique... - btv1b9068512c
- "Augustalis" of Frederick II Hohenstaufen, MET 67.265.26
- "Ausgestochene Marter" wayside shrine
- "Azəristiliktəchizat" ASC
- "Azərişıq" ASC
- "B" standing for boron
- "B" station of the Omega Navigation System
- "BMA" Park (V. F. P., Calumpit Post, WWII - November 26, 1977)
- "Ba" standing for barium
- "Back to Our Roots" in Nebraska (May 2019)
- "Bahram Gur Sees a Herd of Deer Mesmerized by Dilaram' s Music", Folio from a Khamsa (Quintet) of Amir Khusrau Dihlavi
- "Bajada del Pollero" en Ruta Provincial 223
- "Bario de Pila 1873" Bell, Rectory and Plaza (Exterior of Our Lady of the Pillar Parish Church, Santa Maria, Pangasinan)
- "Basics of fine-art photography" textbook presentation/Презентация учебника «Азы фотоискусства»
- "Battle" of Adams Hill
- "Bayanno Theke Ekattor" mural
- "Be" standing for beryllium
- "Beer in Bavaria" exhibition (2016)
- "Before" images of Mount Dennis Station
- "Before" images of stations on Line 5 Eglinton
- "Belarusian" Gothic in Lithuania
- "Benedict et Beatrix". Beatrice et Benedict. Opéra-comique en 2 actes. Livret et musique de Berlioz. Scénario - btv1b10075179v
- "Between two hills" permanent exhibition
- "Beyond Broadcasting" Walk of Fame - GMA Network Center
- "Bh" standing for bohrium
- "Bi" standing for bismuth
- "Big Bowl" ( A Crow Chief)
- "Bioagra" plant in Goświnowice
- "Bk" standing for berkelium
- "Blacked out versions of images relying on FoP in Norway"
- "Blagovest" satellite
- "Blasts" from The Ram's Horn (1902)
- "Blue Quartz" glass (China)
- "Blutsmarter" wayside shrine (Volkach)
- "Book of Dimma" Shrine, MET 08.23.3
- "Boottocht" (Prinses Beatrixsluis)
- "Boston Strong" displays at Boston Marathons subsequent to 2013
- "Boston Strong" displays at the 2013 World Series victory parade
- "Boston Strong" in Fenway Park outfield
- "Boyi Cup" Sino-Russian International Challenge Competition of Kakuto Ju-jutsu
- "Br" standing for bromine
- "Breaching a path"
- "Brouillon du Journal. Pour l'année 1834 (1835, 1836)" par A. Cavaillé-Coll. - btv1b10074154f
- "Buck Private" McCollum
- "By technique images by Julesvernex2"
- "Bärenbrunnen" von Franz Barwig dem Jüngeren, Dr.-Karl-Landsteiner-Park, Vienna
- "Büdingen wehrt sich"
- "Bătușari" church of the Presentation of Virgin Mary in Curtea de Argeș
- "Błaszkowianka"
- "C" standing for carbon
- "C" station of the Omega Navigation System
- "C Q", or, In the Wireless House (Train, 1912)
- "Ca" standing for calcium
- "Cadeia da Legalidade" (Legality Chain) 1961
- "Cantabile pour violoncelle avec accompagnement de Piano" - btv1b100744769
- "Cantate" pour soli et choeur avec acc. de piano - btv1b10023468w
- "Caring Hands", Giles Shirley Hall
- "Carmen Sylva" Highschool, Timișoara
- "Carol I" elementary school in Curtea de Argeș
- "Casa Maria", Hunters Hill
- "Catalogue Des Liures de Musique Theorique et Pratique, vocalle et Instrumentale, tant imprimée que manuscripte, qui sont dans Le Cabinet du Sr. Sebastien de Brossard Chanoine de Meaux, et dont il... - btv1b108609110
- "Catalogue de mes oeuvres, Benjamin Godard" - btv1b52515435c
- "Catalogue des oeuvres de Luigi Boccherini", se trouvant à la Bibliothèque nationale de Paris - btv1b525137133
- "Cd" standing for cadmium
- "Ce" standing for cerium
- "Centaur"; or the "Turn out"
- "Centaur" - or The "turn out," a practical treatise on the (humane) management of horses, either in harness, saddle, or stable; with hints respecting the harness-room, coach-house, &c. (1878)
- "Centaur" - or The "turn out," a practical treatise on the (humane) management of horses, either in harness, saddle, or stable; with hints respecting the harness-room, coach-house, &c (1885)
- "Centopietre" funerary mausoleum (Patù)
- "Cf" standing for californium
- "Chapitre ( ) où il sera reparlé d'Esther, puis d'une maison de fous" (manuscrit autographe) - btv1b530311288
- "Charivni Duby" Quercus
- "Chasmatosaurus" yuani
- "Chelyabi" carpets
- "Cherry Quartz" glass (China)
- "Chet" (Yates)
- "Chinese Lowestoft" porcelain
- "Chiquilín" García
- "Christ was Born on Christmas Day"
- "Chuck's Challenge" (aircraft)
- "Chuck Norris facts"-related images
- "Château de Théoule"
- "Cintamani" Carpet (MET 1971.263.2)
- "Circul" relief on Chișinău Circus
- "Cisco Kid" props
- "Ciudadano" en Plaza Artigas (Salto)
- "Ciência Conectada MCTIC"
- "Cl" standing for chlorine
- "Cm" standing for curium
- "Co" standing for cobalt
- "Cockfight chair" Reading Chair, ca. 1720–30
- "Cola" - Spettacolo della nuova commedia dell'arte 10 06 2022
- "Comment exploiter un domaine agricole", de l'"Encyclopédie Agricole"
- "Commerce" statue, Liverpool
- "Concurs fotogràfic de pessebrisme 2023"
- "Concurso Escuelas Argentinas"
- "Considérations sur les transformations littorales", publié dans le "Bulletin de la Société de géographie", 6e série, 15 (1878), p. 452-462 - Jules Girard - btv1b9064820q
- "Constantin Diaconovici Loga" Highschool, Timișoara
- "Constructions rurales", de l'"Encyclopédie Agricole"
- "Contribution à l'étude de l'origine de l'homme américain", sans date (30 feuilles dactylographiées) - btv1b90802058
- "Couronne de feuilles d'or" - btv1b10060410f
- "Covorul vieții" mosaic in Ungheni
- "Cr" standing for chromium
- "Cs" standing for caesium
- "Cu" standing for copper
- "Cursed" cemetery in Lehliu, Călărași
- "CↃ" or "ↃC" for "CC"
- "D" Sandstone
- "DEP" for "Descanse en paz"
- "DETROIT" sign (Interstate 94)
- "DNA DL90" sculpture (Abigail Fallis)
- "DNA DL90" sculpture (London)
- "DNA DL90" sculpture (Newcastle)
- "Dagon" as a fish
- "Dame Curtsey's" Book of Guessing Contests
- "Dancing Dervishes", Folio from a Divan of Hafiz
- "Dancing Dervishes", Folio from the Shah Jahan Album (MET
- "Danger of death" electricity warning signs
- "Danger of death" electricity warning signs (black lightning in yellow triangle)
- "Dapit" (December 7 Pistang Bayan 2016, Malolos Cathedral)
- "Dardanelles", Polkemmet
- "Das Feuer" (Schlossgarten Bruchsal)
- "Das Goldene Kalb", Donaupark
- "Das Küssenberger-Schloss von der Morgen-Seite", Johann Martin Morat
- "Das Recht auf Wissen" - Pamela Samuelson on net politics
- "Das Wasser" (Schlossgarten Bruchsal)
- "Das Weib", Stadionbad
- "David-Weill" Desk by Jacques-Émile Ruhlmann MET 1973.154.1
- "Db" standing for dubnium
- "De Gouden Arend", Grote Markt 19
- "De la musique Moderne des Chinois", par le P. Joseph-Marie Amiot - btv1b105513595
- "De la psychologie animale à la psychologie des peuples" (19 feuilles dactylographiées) ; "De la psychologie des âges et des sexes, essai sur l'éducation" (35 feuilles dactylographiées)... - btv1b90685732
- "De lu Vagnatò" waterfall
- "De vroegste foto's van Amsterdam"
- "Decindea" Assumption church in Butimanu, Dâmbovița
- "Decorations" by Helena de Kay Gilder
- "Demeanor of Eternity" monument in Yerevan
- "Den Nazis keine Mitte" demonstration Berlin 2019-10-03
- "Denkmal für eine Wirtschaftsnobelpreis-Trägerin" von Helmut und Johanna Kandl, Volkertplatz, Wien Leopoldstadt
- "Der Ackerbau", Karlsplatz
- "Der Kreislauf des Geldes" (Ursulinenstraße 8-16, Saarbrücken)
- "Der Richter und sein Henker" (1953)
- "Der Trommler", Anton Küßwieder
- "Der Verwalter", Schlossgasse Dornbirn
- "Der Weltkrieg" (Cigarette card album)
- "Der Weltkrieg" (Cigarette card album) - 1914
- "Der Weltkrieg" (Cigarette card album) - 1915
- "Der Weltkrieg" (Cigarette card album) - Enemy forces
- "Der Weltkrieg" (Cigarette card album) - Naval warfare
- "Der Weltkrieg" (Cigarette card album) - World War I in the German colonial empire
- "Der geizige Bäcker" (Saarbrücken)
- "Der letzte Mensch", Karlsplatz
- "Dezvoltarea abilităților de prezentare" training for employees of the Parliament of Moldova
- "Dezvoltarea abilităților de prezentare" training for workers of the Parliament of Moldova
- "Die Bockspringer" (Schwetzingen)
- "Die Erde" (Schlossgarten Bruchsal)
- "Die Erotik der Antike in Kleinkunst und Keramik" by Gaston Vorberg (1921)
- "Die Grattleroper"
- "Die Hohen Berge" nördlich Ladendorf
- "Die Joerger von Tollet und ihre Zeit" exhibition
- "Die Luft" (Schlossgarten Bruchsal)
- "Die Sorg" (Kleinblittersdorf)
- "Die Treue der österreichischen Nation", Karlsplatz
- "Die Wikipedianer kommen!" Braunschweigisches Landesmuseum
- "Die Wikipedianer kommen!" Exkursion Harzhorn
- "Die schärfsten Kritiker der Elche waren früher selber welche" (Frankfurt am Main)
- "Discours de M. Gabriel Fauré". Eloge funèbre de Raoul Pugno - btv1b108613097
- "Dispersed" Bhagavata Purana ("Sa Mitharam - Sa Nana" or "Palam" Bhagavata Purana)
- "Diário da Tarde" newspaper digitalization granted by the first WMB Grant Program - 2022
- "Djihadmobile" of Syrian fracture
- "Doktorhaus" (Gotthelfstrasse 1, Lützelflüh)
- "Dolphin" model toilets
- "Dr." standing for "Doctor"
- "Dreieckiger Teich" (Schlossgarten Schwetzingen)
- "Dreiklang" (Hockenheim)
- "Dreikreuze" wayside shrine (Nordheim am Main)
- "Drouant" Side Chair by Jacques-Émile Ruhlmann MET 25.231.3a–c
- "Drujești" church of the Assumption of Virgin Mary in Curtea de Argeș
- "Drumuri" mosaic in Bălți
- "Ds" standing for darmstadtium
- "Dy" standing for dysprosium
- "Dziewuchy Dziewuchom" movement
- "E" Mountain (Elko Hills)
- "E" station of the Omega Navigation System
- "Economia Espacial e Negócios"
- "Eifeler Regel" in Luxembourgish-language
- "Eight houses" on Kerepesi út
- "Einen Traum zu träumen und mit anderen zu teilen" by Susanne Zemrosser
- "Elefant" (Wiesloch)
- "Ellen Terry as Portia" by Baldry
- "Elvis" fencepost, Burnbrae
- "Encyclopédie Agricole"
- "English Factory" in Kazimierz Dolny
- "Epée courte et son fourreau" - btv1b10060404t
- "Er" im Spiegel der Karikatur (1906)
- "Er" standing for erbium
- "Erosion et transport des glaciers" sans date - Jules Girard - btv1b9064780n
- "Es" standing for einsteinium
- "Essai sur l'instabilité des continents et du niveau des mers", 1885 (cahier non paginé) - Jules Girard - btv1b90648281
- "Essai sur la température des régions circumpolaires", 1889, publ. dans le "Bulletin de la Société de géographie", 7e série, 13 (1892), p. 201-215 - Jules Girard - btv1b9064815d
- "Essai sur les transformations littorales", première version des "Considérations sur les transformations littorales" (SG MS 5261) - Jules Girard - btv1b9064829f
- "Etapes géographiques sur les côtes de l'Océan", sans date et incomplet - Jules Girard - btv1b90647812
- "Etat de la question du méridien initial", 1883, "le Méridien universel", 1883 et 9 autres pièces manuscrites et imprimés sur ce thème - Jules Girard - btv1b90648140
- "Eternal Youth" in Jaffa
- "Ethnique animale" - Louis Marin - btv1b9068572n
- "Eu" standing for europium
- "Europa der Bürger" Vienna - 2013-05-07
- "Evaluarea impactului socio-economic al COVID-19 asupra celor mai vulnerabile persoane" roundtable
- "Evaluarea impactului socio-economic al COVID-19 asupra celor mai vulnerabile persoane" roundtable (2020-11-30)
- "Evening Time is Reading Time" signs
- "Exaltate et invocate nomen domini. Messe. n° 3. Taille". Par J. M. Rousseau - btv1b100203402
- "Exposé sur les phares, lu à la Société de géographie dans la séance du 7 février 1834", par Philippe-Jean Coulier (6 p.) - btv1b108709655
- "Extraausgabee-!": Erlebnisschau zum Krieg der Medien
- "Extrait d'un rapport de MM. D. Tyerman et G. Bennet, agents supérieurs envoyés en mission dans les contrées orientales par la Société des Missionnaires de Londres. Description de Macau et de Canton... - btv1b10869284p
- "Extrait d'un voyage inédit par M. Auguste Jean-Marie Bachelot de La Pylaie pendant les années 1830, 31, 32 et 33, dans les départements de l'ouest de la France", s.d. (1834) - btv1b10870966m
- "Extrait du mémoire de M. Duranton sur son voyage au rocher de Fêlou" (Haut-Sénégal), 28 janvier 1824, publié dans le "Bulletin de la Société de géographie", 1re série, 2 (1824), p. 178-180 - btv1b108694279
- "F" standing for fluorine
- "F" station of the Omega Navigation System
- "FAX" symbol
- "Fahr mit" Hoffmann Reisen GmbH
- "Fake" - Wikimedia Israel Conference at Reichman Universiry (9 June 2024)
- "Farhad Carves a Milk Channel for Shirin", Folio 74 from a Khamsa (Quintet) of Nizami
- "Fate" motif
- "Fe" standing for iron
- "Fi de curs" event
- "Figur" Detmolder Platz (Frankfurt am Main)
- "Firlej" club in Wrocław
- "Fl" standing for flerovium
- "Fliegende Verkaufsstelle" Konsum-Genossenschafts-Verband Gotha
- "Flores de María"
- "Florian" fire station in Strzybnica
- "Fluctuat nec mergitur" memorials to the November 2015 Paris attacks
- "Flussgott mit Hecht" (Erlangen)
- "Fly Jalur Gemilang” campaign in Sabah
- "Flămânzești" Archangels' church in Curtea de Argeș
- "Fm" standing for fermium
- "Focus" (Angelika Freitag)
- "Forever alive" memorial (Kremenchuk)
- "Foundation Stones" by Gordon Young, Bradford
- "Fr" standing for francium
- "Franceschino" (Knabenbildnis), Maria Marga Thomass
- "Francesco Morosini" Naval School
- "Frau" (Karl Lemke)